Hello everyone!
It's been a bit since my last post, things have slowed down quite a bit for me as real life has gotten in the way. Also, I really haven't had a lot of things to talk about. That's changed though, so here I am!
Before I left for Navy boot camp back in February I gave my parents a list of books that I wanted for my birthday in June, just in case my duties took me someplace where I couldn't get a list to them in time. So, as my birthday rolled around, I was pleased to get a number of packages in the mail containing the books I had asked for so long ago! They arrived over the past month or so, so I waited until I got all of them in before I reviewed them.
The books I asked for are all concerned with the French Revolutionary Wars and the early Napoleonic Wars. I decided that my personal Napoleonic library was lacking and had neglected the early wars, so I sought to remedy this.
The first book is
Marine of Revolution and Consulate by Moreau de Jonnes, a first-person account of a French Marine serving first in the National Guard following the Revolution before transferring to the Marine Artillery, where he served at the Siege of Toulon, against the Royal Navy at sea, at Quiberon Bay in opposition of the Vendee rebellion, in the Irish Rebellion, and finally in the Caribbean. I thought it would be interesting to see the early Revolutionary Wars from the perspective of a French soldier who fought in them.
Marine of Revolution and Consulate, by Moreau de Jonnes |
The second book I received was
The Art of War of Revolutionary France, 1789 -1802 by Paddy Griffith. This is a historical monograph which covers many different aspects of the French military during the Revolutionary Wars. As a matter of fact, I used this book as a source a few years ago in a paper for my French Revolution class in college. It is an excellent source of information covering the tactics, armies and leadership of the early Revolutionary Wars.
The Art of War of Revolutionary France, 1789 -1802, by Paddy Griffith |
Finally, and because I am a sucker for books on uniforms, I received
Uniforms of the French Revolutionary Wars, 1879-1802 by Philip Haythornthwaite, illustrated by Christopher Warner. As can be expected of a Haythornthwaite uniform volume, this beautifully illustrated and meticulously researched book is a great resource for miniature painters (like me!). The color plates in this book cover all of the major belligerents and most of the minors ones that fought with or against France during the Revolutionary period. This book is my favorite of the three because of the pretty pictures.
Uniforms of the French Revolutionary Wars, 1879-1802, by Philip Haythornthwaite, illustrated by Christopher Warner |
I am quite pleased with all of these books and am glad that they are now a part of my library. Will this mean that I'm going to start painting French Revolutionary Wars figures? Probably not, but I am a student of the Napoleonic Wars as a whole and wanted some books on the early wars.
Coming soon: I'm not sure... not had much painting mojo here lately. I may put the flock on the Kentuckians and French I completed back in May.
Questions, comments and suggestions are always welcomed an appreciated. Thanks for looking!